Saturday, March 7, 2009

Some ideas for new projects

Weekends are good. This morning I started poking around the Inet. Here are a couple of nice things I found out about that I can use in my classes. That NFWF grant we lost because we had so much trouble spending out money? That would come in real handy just now.


Today, I discovered this page: A tour of the Mariana Subduction System . Guess what? It's available as an "ArcScene GeoWall visualization of Mariana 3-D topography and earthquake distribution".

It can be done in GNU/Linux. I think Gentoo would be more appropriate, but one possible option is available out of the box, for Ubuntu, my current system of default choice. One package is "viewer" and it might be around. Another is "inventor". It looks hairy. And why not? It involves projecting a scene through two projectors, superimposed. Let me guess: with polarized glasses.

I saw such a system at the University of Texas Texas Museum of Natural History---a flythrough of a vertebrate skeleton. Which vertebrate? Don't want to spoil it for you.


...for learning and teaching remote sensing image analysis skills. Current lessons teach the application of remote sensing to oceanography and coastal management, but Bilko routines may be applied to the analysis of any image in an appropriate format, and include a wide range of standard image processing functions.

Supported by UNESCO, Bilko is available to registered users absolutely free!

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